First, this is one of the most reasonably priced estimating software I have found! Second, the most recent update made it run substantially smoother than the previous version! This is a fully capable estimating software, with reports such as a bid request (for getting bids from subs), customer estimate, customer estimate breakdown, summary, etc. Every report is customizable, and makes every estimate look better to your customers! Also, probably most importantly, if you send an email for support, you will get an email that evening. At least that what has happened for me. Only downside, currently, is that your custom cost books, and projects cannot sync between mac/ipad/iphone… The costbooks can be useful, but if you do a lot of custom bids, you can just use the custom costbook. All in all, great software, with great support. I would recommend to anyone that has bought into the apple "ecosystem" and is doing construction estimations.